Things to Let Go Of In 2025

Things to Let Go Of In 2025

Resolutions, aspirations, goals, whatever you want to call it. We have all normalized using the start of a new year as the beginning of a new life. Along with this usually begins the start of new habits. Whether it’s the typical weight loss, becoming more active, graduating or starting a business, we always tend to want a fresh start after the holidays.

What if…instead of focusing on the thing we want to gain, we focus on the things we want to let go of? Similar to goals, the ability to let go of someone or something can have extraordinary benefits for our lives. We can begin to live life more content and ultimately, feel free!

Everyone has different things about their life that needs to be left in the past, but we all seem to share a few common themes:

  1. Rushing - Our microwave society has conditioned us to want everything like, yesterday. This causes us to get upset when we can’t get something right now. Just think about it, there is really no excuse for it. We really have to take better control of allowing ourselves more time so that we don’t have to feel pressured by a time-frame. This applies to anything and the peace associated with not rushing throughout the day is like no other. 
  2. Clothes That Don’t Feel Good Anymore - There are clothes in your closet that were worn one time and you SWEAR you’ll lose weight and wear them again. Well, it’s been 5 years. There's a pretty high chance you won’t wear it again, and it’s just taking up space making you feel guilty every time you look at it. Not to mention when you try it on “just to see”, you feel terrible about how you look.
  3. Random Phone Contacts - Much like the clothes, these numbers are literally just taking up space. Some we have outgrown, while others were from a time period that we're just not in anymore.
  4. Unrealistic Expectations - My kids get a homecooked meal several times a week, but it’s definitely not every single day. There is no need to keep up with the idea of cooking dinner every evening when I know it’s just not realistic for my lifestyle. I’m too guilty of short-term “weight loss goals” that I never make because so many everyday things can get in the way. Instead, I’ve let go of dates and focused more on mastering certain skills one at a time.
  5. Negative News or People - It’s a crazy world, but we don’t have to hear about it everyday! The programming of the subconscious mind is real and constant negativity whether it be from current events in media or just a person sharing a story can effect us. Protecting your peace means there will be sacrifices and distancing yourself from certain situations is key.

As you prepare to embark on the next chapter of your life in 2025, try and consider how much letting go can be the springboard for more peace and happiness this upcoming year. 

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