It's Never Too Late for A Vision Board

It's Never Too Late for A Vision Board

January has come and gone, but that doesn't mean you can't still work on your vision board. Creating a vision board allows us to visually see what we plan to accomplish throughout the entire year. This can mean anything from traveling to a specific location or reading more books. Traditionally, these boards were created by cutting out images from a magazine. Nowadays, you are able to make a vision board online with images from the internet. 

For me, vision boards have been a guide to remind me on what I have planned for the months ahead. l always posted them in a place I could see clearly everyday, just so I could visually see what I needed to start working on.

A vision board can be a great way to redirect our focus. It's easy to forget over the months how we really wanted to use our time. For instance, if you are planning on purchasing a puppy this year, the image on the vision board could be a puppy or something that relates to it. Seeing these often could remind you to work towards puppy ownership by researching breeds, watching training videos or buying some of it's supplies one at a time. 

Just because the first month of the year ends, that doesn't mean our goals stop. Eventually over time, I somehow created a deadline of January 31st to get my vision board completed, or it wasn't "real." In reality, it doesn't matter when we start carefully decorating posterboards and gathering images for a collage. The goal isn't to see whose is the coolest, it is instead to stay on task and reach a series of goals. 

If you need to restart (or actually start) your 2025 vision board, don't forget to include spending more time in peace. You can easily accomplish this by starting with some simple supplies such as affirmation cards to display, candles, essential oils and tea. Not only will this help you scratch off one goal, but it will bring you serenity the rest of the can do it!

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